Expected life time

Are you male? Do you live in a city with more than 1 million inhabitants? Do you live in a city with less than 10000 inhabitants or in the country? Did one of your grandparents live to 85 or more? Did all your grandparents live to 80 or more? Did any of your parents die before the age of 50 of heart or stroke diseases? Did any of your parents get cancer or heart problems, before the age of 50, or did they have diabetes since childhood? Do you eat healthy and avoid syntetic additives? Do you use vitamins, health food and supplements? Do you earn over 375.000 DKK (50.000 EUR) a year? Have you got a student exam Have you got a university degree? Are you over 65 years, but still working? Do you live together with a spouse? Have you got children? Have you lived alone for more than 10 years? Have you lived alone for more than 20 years? Have you lived alone for more than 30 years? Have you lived alone for more than 40 years? Have you lived alone for more than 50 years? Have you lived alone for more than 60 years? Are you between 30 and 50? Are you between 51 and 70? Are you over 71? Have you got desk work? Do you have very physical demanding work? Do you exercise (tennis, running, swimming etc) 30 min 5 times a week? Do you exercise (tennis, running, swimming etc) 2 to 3 times a week? Do you sleep more than 10 hours per night? Do you get aggressive and easily upset? Are you mentally balanced and relaxed? Are you mostly happy? Are you mostly unhappy? Have you in the last month got a fine for driving too fast? Do you smoke more then 40 cigarettes a day? Do you smoke between 20 and 40 cigarettes a day? Do you smoke between 10 and 19 cigarettes a day? Do you drink more than 1 glass of beer or wine a day? Are you over 20 kg overweight? Are you between 15 and 20 kg overweight? Are you between 5 and 15 kg overweight? If you are male, do you have a yearly health checkup? If you are female, do you have a yearly gynaegological checkup?

Expected lifetime: 80.0 years
Information based on http://www.helsenyt.com/frame.cfm/cms/id=3586/sprog=1/grp=8/menu=14/
Programmed by Keld Simonsen