Expected life time

How old are you in years? Are you male? How many of your grandparents are older or got older than 80 years? How many of your grandparents are older or got older than 70 years? Has your mother gotten older than 80 years? Has your father gotten older than 80 years? How many siblings, parents or grandparents died before the age of 50 of heart or circulation diseases? Did any siblings, parents or grandparents die between the age of 50 and 60 of heart or circulation diseases? Did any siblings, parents or grandparents die before the age of 60 of diabetes or gastic ulcer? Did any siblings, parents or grandparents die before the age of 60 of stomach cancer? Did any siblings, parents or grandparents die before the age of 60 of other diseases (not accidents)? Are you a woman, and are you not able, or do you not want to have children? Are your IQ over 100? Do you smoke more than 40 cigarettes a day? Do you smoke between 20 and 40 cigarettes a day? Do you smoke between 1 and 19 cigarettes a day? Do you make sex and do you like sex once or twice a week? Do you get a yearly check up at the doctor? Are you or have you been overweight? Do you sleep less than 6 hours or more than 10 hours a day? Do you drink 1-2 whiskys, half a bottle of wine or 4 glasses of beer a day? Are you an alcoholic, or do you drink much? Do you make exercises 3 times a week? Do you prefer lean food, fruit and vegetables over fat food? Are you frequently ill? Have you got a university degree? Have you got a midrange secondary education? Do you work as a specialist? Do you work as a director, public servant or farmer? Do you work with hard physical labour? Are you not a worker, but have very physical work? Do you make office work? Have you lived in a city most of your life? Have you lived mostly in the countryside? Are you married and do you live with your spouse? Are you divorced and live alone and male? Are you divorced and live alone and female? Are you a widower and live alone and male? Are you a widow and live alone and female? Are you divorced but live with a new partner and male? Are you divorced but live with a new partner and female? Are you female and live without a partner, but in a family, maybe with children? Have you got one or two very close friends? Do you play chess or other brain excercise games? Is your attitude to life positive and realistic?

Expected lifetime: 0.0 years
Information based on brain expert Tony Buzan and chess master Raymond Keene: "The Age Heresy", 1996.
Programmed by Keld Simonsen